Upacara PKKMB (Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus) UNESA 2013 di Ketintang

When i heard that the ceremony would be held in Ketintang, the first impression is thankfull to God, Why? Becoz that's near my house. Eventhough a lot of my friends were beefing about that. I was act like beefed too. But i can lie myself that i was happy inside. Everyday on PKKMB agenda, i was going to Lidah early morning however the way that i was feeling that time. Tired, Sleepy were always accompany me but i had to do that. Becoz it became requisite of graduation exercise (at divisional level). So it was so important for me. I had no absent for that, but i had an absent for an agenda of PKKMB that was a Seminary. I had to attended but i can't. I had a reason for that but i was not alone at that time, there was my friend didn't attend that seminar too. So i was gratefully.

To Be Continued...................................................................................................................................

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INSIDIOUS 2 Trailer (2013)

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FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 2012 Muhammad Huda Albanna: V for Vendetta: Sebuah Film tentang Revolusi

Oleh : Huda Albana Blog

Ini adalah salah satu film favorit saya sepanjang masa. Pertama kali saya tonton pada tahun 2006, dan sejak itu sudah tidak terhitung berapa kali saya menonton ulang film ini. V for Vendetta adalah sebuah film yang diaderbit tahun 1982. Film ini berkisah tentang usaha V, seorang teroris yang mengenakan topeng Guy Fawkes dan jubah hitam, untuk meruntuhkan pemerintah inggris yang dikuasai oleh rezim totaliter pimpinan High Concellor Adam Sutler.

         " People should not be afraid of their goverments. Goverments should be afraid of their people."-V.

Fasisme v.s. Anarkisme. Barangkali itulah gambaran besar cerita V for Vendetta. Dikisahkan, pada suatu masa Inggris mengalami kekacauan karena teror virus
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Hari Pertama Presentasi on Kampus

      When i heard that i will get the first number for presentation. The first think that approach in my head is " Oh no, what should i do? am i can do this?". I don't think so. I'm not confident myself eventhough i feel that i can do that. But my little heart says that i've no little bit confident to do this. Day by day walks without any trouble. I just follow what the days are walk. 
      The day comes. This day, Last afternoon i do that presentation fastly. Wherereas many words  that goes wrong on mouth. But, i don't care. I just follow and continue what i will say or what i want to say at that time. I just you know , whatever with what my friends thinking about me next although i have little bit worry with it. ><

      The lesson that i can take from that story is i have to be more confident, just say it what you are thinking. D on't be afraid. Not really if they have the same thinking with what you are thinking now... just Let it Go... 
and, Life Must Go On... OKay :D

      I trust if you can do that!! FIGHTING TILL THE END xD ~

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