Sekarang saya dan keluarga sedang beristirahat di tengah perjalanan pulang ke Surabaya. Kami baru saja mengantar Neng Fitri ke rumah beliau di Jombang. Kami sampai di Malang ± pukul 5 sore WIB. Sontak, kami yang belum melaksanakan sholat ashar segera bergerak menuju masjid usai mengucapkan salam ke rumah beliau dan berpamitan untuk melaksanakan sholat ashar di masjid.
Back to this time.
We stopped in Jombang city now.
It was dark outside. Hopefully, there's no something happen at this time. Because everybody is sleeping now except me, my mother and my young brother (Ali).
He will take a lake now, but there's no place for take a lake. So he have to be patient now.
±7 minutes left....
20. 26
Oh, the car is moving. My father woke up from his sleep. We look for a mosque for the place to take a lake. Hopefully we can found it nearly. :)
20. 27
We find pom bensin now.
Its time for Ali to take a lake. Hurry up. Hopefully nobody angry anymore at this time. Something worse its gonna can't be happen now.
The music stopped.
My father goes back to sleep again. We are on gas station now. pom bensin, red.
Ali has been doing his job. He will play in this place. This place like a small playground i think. There's some swaying place. ayunan, red. And i will go out from the car to see how well he playing it. :)
We play swaying place together. I think there are three people wake up and three other people, from my family are sleeping. The place is gonna be so lonely. Everybody has went out from this place. Just me, my mother and Ali whom here now. Its time to leave from this place too. Hope something gonna be better than before. The clock has turn the number into 20.45 ...
05.27 in the morning
Welcome home! :-D
I've just read 7 surah choices from my mother's ftocopi's book. Alhamdulillah I've done it nicely. Nothing disturb me except some thinking unuseless that come into my mind while i was reading it. I've try to loose and kill those thinking. However its can't to loose at all, but it was better. I could be focused again till i overcame it. keep smile :)
I can't to rue it anymore.
Don't say to rue, girl!
Life has gone to be many changes.
Hidup harus ada yang berubah. Berubah kearah yang lebih baik maksudnya. Jangan terus-terusan bersedih. Sesungguhnya kesedihan dan penyesalanmu itu tidak ada gunanya.
Life must go on!
La tahzan, innallaha ma'ana.... ;)
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