Baru saja saya download aplikasi photofunction (klo gk salah sih!) dari hp androidku. I've tried it and the result is it isn't too bad. Bagus sih, meski agak bingung tadi mau buat apa tapi apa salahnya mencoba! Lagian today is holiday and i do nothing. But actually i and my family will go to Jombang City to pick my beloved sista there. We will go after dhuhur prayer i think. I hope we won't late. hehe...
So here are my edited some pictures from that aplication.
Let's check it out !!
I think there's some problems to upload th
ese pictures. So i will show you later. Don't be sad...
Here we go!
I upload it from web. :D
It was the 1st pic that i have gotten from this app |
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