Setelah menunggu sekian lama dan dengan penuh pengaharapan. Tiba juga hari yang ditunggu itu.
Harapanku selama ini cuman satu dan tidak muluk-muluk, becoz i know my capabilities well. Yah meski itu bukan kemampuan sebenarnya. Hehe :p (kan kalo mau usaha lebih keras lagi pasti bisa dapat yang lebih baik)
Memang sifat dasar manusia yang tidak akan pernah puas. Udah dikasih ini masih mau lebih. Hadehh..
Sempat terbersit pemiikiran semacam itu tapi aku langsung ingat dan bersyukur. Mensyukuri itu jauh lebih nikmat daripada terus mengeluh karena hasil yang tak terduga. (ngomong apaan sih. -,-)
Back to the point..
Ketika kudengar kabar bahwa semua nilai memang sudah ada di siakad alias telah terpublikasikan, walau secara pribadi. Inginku segera membukanya dan mengetahui, nilai berapa atau IP berapa yang daku dapatkan ini ya allah selama ± 6 bulan kuliah untuk pertama kalinya?
Dengan penuh kesabaran kunanti modem itu tersambung. Dan tadaaa....
tersambung juga, dengan segera ku klik web siakad itu. Kuisi username dan password yang memang harus kuisi terlebih dahulu.
Detik demi detik berlalu dengan begitu cepatnya.
Ku klik tulisan Laporan KHS itu yang didalamnya tertera jumlah IP pertamaku. Ku tekan kursornya ke bawah. Dan....
So here are my edited some pictures from that aplication.
Let's check it out !!
I think there's some problems to upload these pictures. So i will show you later. Don't be sad...
Here we go!
I upload it from web. :D
![]() |
It was the 1st pic that i have gotten from this app |
Back to this time.
We stopped in Jombang city now.
It was dark outside. Hopefully, there's no something happen at this time. Because everybody is sleeping now except me, my mother and my young brother (Ali).
He will take a lake now, but there's no place for take a lake. So he have to be patient now.
±7 minutes left....
20. 26
Oh, the car is moving. My father woke up from his sleep. We look for a mosque for the place to take a lake. Hopefully we can found it nearly. :)
20. 27
We find pom bensin now.
Its time for Ali to take a lake. Hurry up. Hopefully nobody angry anymore at this time. Something worse its gonna can't be happen now.
The music stopped.
My father goes back to sleep again. We are on gas station now. pom bensin, red.
Ali has been doing his job. He will play in this place. This place like a small playground i think. There's some swaying place. ayunan, red. And i will go out from the car to see how well he playing it. :)
We play swaying place together. I think there are three people wake up and three other people, from my family are sleeping. The place is gonna be so lonely. Everybody has went out from this place. Just me, my mother and Ali whom here now. Its time to leave from this place too. Hope something gonna be better than before. The clock has turn the number into 20.45 ...
05.27 in the morning
Welcome home! :-D
I've just read 7 surah choices from my mother's ftocopi's book. Alhamdulillah I've done it nicely. Nothing disturb me except some thinking unuseless that come into my mind while i was reading it. I've try to loose and kill those thinking. However its can't to loose at all, but it was better. I could be focused again till i overcame it. keep smile :)
I can't to rue it anymore.
Don't say to rue, girl!
Life has gone to be many changes.
Hidup harus ada yang berubah. Berubah kearah yang lebih baik maksudnya. Jangan terus-terusan bersedih. Sesungguhnya kesedihan dan penyesalanmu itu tidak ada gunanya.
Life must go on!
La tahzan, innallaha ma'ana.... ;)
Hope i can through this day nicely. :D
Hari ini adalah hari yang sangat tidak berguna untuk saya. Kenapa? Karena disepanjang hari ini, saya tidak satupun melakukan hal yang bermanfaat. Entah bermanfaat untuk diri sendiri ataupun untuk orang lain. Saya tahu kalau ini salah dan harus diubah. Tetapi tetap saja ada beberapa hal yang menurut saya sulit untuk dilawan. Bicara soal sesuatu yang sulit, saya ingat entah itu kata-kata atau kalimat dari siapa saya lupa. Intinya beliau menjelaskan bahwa di dunia ini tidaklah ada yang sulit. Segala sesuatu akan mudah jika kita niat dan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh (tidak Saya percaya itu. Tetapi masih ada saja yang mampu membuat saya untuk betah bermalas-malasan atau tidak melakukan apapun. Sungguh jika cerita ini diketahui oleh orang normal atau pekerja keras, maka saya pasti akan diejek, diremehkan atau apalah itu. "Loe tuh manusia atau bukan sih? Kalau loe manusia, loe pasti bisa ngegunain akal loe buat berpikir rasional. Loe bisa manfaatin waktu loe dengan sebaik-baiknya kalau loe emang bisa berpikir!" Mungkin itu ungkapan atau kata-kata yang keluar dari mereka dan anehnya, kenapa saya bisa menebaknya?. Batinku berkata. I know it, aku tahu konsekuensinya, akibatnya, kerugian yang gue alamin dengan kelakuan malas-malasan gue itu. Tapi KENAPA GUE MASIH GAK BERUBAH? Sedikitpun aja gak ada yang berubah dari gue.
Mungkin ini yang dinamakan masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri.
Nah, itu gue tahu.
Tapi tapi dan tapi......
Kenapa setiap ada yang memberi nasihat atau menunjukkan ke jalan yang benar, saya selalu menyangkalnya dengan jawaban TAPI, TETAPI?. What does it mean? :'(
Aha! Gue tahu. Apa mungkin gue itu tipe orang yang gak penurut? Penyangkal? Atau emang gue aja yang bodoh ya.
Kalau gak penurut itu gak mungkin, cuz gue nurutin kok apa yang ortu gue suruh. Gak nyangkal lagi, tapi kalau dipikir lagi gue lebih sering atau kadang-kadang ngeles aja. Cari-cari alasan gitu loh. (Nah, itu loe tahu!!) Hemmm, gimana ya solusinya?...
I through gratefully today. Why? Becoz my final exam would have been finished. Actually, i was worried inside becoz i don't have study enough. I don't know why?. Maybe when the holliday's week i didn't study all day long. I just spent mytime for myself. I got laziness fever. I'm sure that i really want to study but i couldn't do that. It was difficult situation actually. I've tried hard. Maybe i'm still can't to control my mind and an eager to learn well. I have to try harder than before. I know that i can do it. I have to lose my laziness and adjourn many jobs easily. (menunda-nunda pekerjaan). Back to the real life... today i have a sport lesson exam. I'm trying to not cheat my friend's answer. Its hard becoz everybody do like that in the class and i have no friend to didn't cheat. So tragic, right? . Ah, ya.. i have to tell this that I want to be a good people like my father. Its hard. It isn't easy as people talk about. But i realize that i have to do this. I have to be like him moreover if i can be better than him. The point is i have to struggle hard. Never say give up!. I have to have my heart and my destiny of life are for my beloved God. Even i have a great generation, i know i can't to relinquish (melepaskan) it like that anymore, begitu saja. You have to be like what your grand grand grandpa being.
Once again, i have to study hard too for my study master in Egypt. I have to get a scholarship again there. I don't know what my genre that i will take there. I just can pray, hope and effort maximally. :D
I was feeling great when my masyer study will through in Egypt. It will be an exciting experience.
C'mon Lutfi.. you can do it!!
Just believe yourself and be more confident, okay.. You have to focus!
Do not thinking about everything meaningless. :D
Done!!!!!! ;)